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Policy & Business Protection

The High Cost of Doing Business in the City of Vancouver

Research into the increasing costs for businesses in the City of Vancouver from 2018-2023 found that payroll, cost of goods sold (COGS), insurance, property tax, lease costs, and business fees are challenging businesses in the city to the point of collapse. Two in three businesses in Vancouver report they won't last beyond four years unless things change, 7% more than in the rest of B.C. Many cost increases are those that businesses have little control over. Employment costs, impacted by minimum wage hikes, new taxes (Employer Health Tax) and policies for sick day pay have driven the cost per employee up 69% (cost per employee as a percentage of revenue has risen 33%). Building costs are rising - property taxes, lease costs and insurance are all significant concerns. Rising costs have caused margins to shrink, and inhibited business owners' ability to profit and pay themselves. Recommendations call on the municipal and B.C. governments to take immediate action at a critical time. Download the report.

The High Cost of Permitting Delays in the City of Vancouver

This 2020 research found that the average business permit/license in the City of Vancouver takes 8.2 months from application to issuance. This costs the business $513,390 in lost revenue and leasing costs, and the broader local economy $208,418, for a total loss of $721,808. This research assessed the cost of operating a business annually, and found that each week that the City of Vancouver can reduce the permit/license process represents $31,160 in economic activity (lease costs, revenue, employment and supplier sales). Many changes are underway in early 2020 to improve the process at the City of Vancouver, and this report provides recommendations on the economic benefit of those changes. 
Download the report. Get the infographics from our blog.

Punjabi Market Retail Business Study for City of Vancouver

In 2017/2018, the City of Vancouver contracted LOCO to conduct a study of retail success in the Punjabi Market area. The Punjabi Market community plays an important part in Vancouver's history and culture, and yet many of the area's iconic South Asian businesses have relocated to the Surrey/Delta area or been displaced by new development. LOCO worked with DIG360, Modus & Ajay Puri to assess the vacancy rate, commercial building stock, and state of retail over time, review local/nearby planning and development, develop a retail strategy, and engage area stakeholders. Download the findings now.

Legacy Business Research for City of Vancouver

In 2017/2018, the City of Vancouver contracted LOCO to conduct a research project to address the loss of businesses of historic importance to the City's neighbourhoods, especially Chinatown. LOCO partnered with Heritage Vancouver, June Chow of Youth Collaborative for Chinatown and Modus to assess the viability of implementing a program like the City of San Francisco's Legacy Business Historic Preservation Program here, draft a definition for "heritage business", engage key stakeholders and research other municipal tools to protect key businesses in the City of Vancouver. Download our presentation and other key documents. 

Empty Storefronts & CED Approaches to Revitalization for DVBIA

In 2017, the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA) contracted LOCO to research Community Economic Development (CED) solutions to empty storefronts on Granville Street. We engaged leasing agents and area businesses, and investigated revitalization tools most likely to support the growth of independent businesses in the area. We made recommendations about the role the DVBIA should play in the area's economic development that helped form an action plan for the organization's new Ec/Dev Officer. We also produced several case studies highlighting the success of independent businesses in the area to encourage other trail blazing businesses to consider locating there.